Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Touring Taormina

Today we embarked on a day-trip to Taormina, another city in the Northern part of Sicily.  What was cool about this trip was that we passed Melilli on the way - the town where both my Grandpa and Grandma's families are originally from!  Arriving at Taormina couldn't have been more picturesque, the town is located atop a hill and sits above beautiful crystal, clear water.  The streets and hillside were lined with cacti which I absolutely loved - so cool!

While in Taormina we toured another amphitheater which is the second largest next to the one in Siracusa.  The amphitheater began as a platform for Greek lectures and performances and was unfortunately overthrown by the Romans who used it for bloody fights and battles.    

Sicily is FAMOUS for their blood of course, we had to give them a try!

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