Saturday, April 11, 2015

Pit Stop in Palermo

Friday was our last day in Italy, it is hard to believe how fast this past week has gone by.  We woke up Friday morning and started the drive to Palermo, and has a stunning drive along the water.  We stopped at COS Winery along the way and got a private tour of the facilities.  It was so cool to have the opportunity to get an explanation and learn all about their wines.  COS Winery is unique in that they are one of the few Italian wineries to ferment their wine in clay pots.  Most wineries have transitioned into using wooden barrels for this process, but by fermenting the wine in clay pots the grapes are able to keep their particular flavor from this region and not become influenced by the added flavors that seep in from the wood.  After our tour of the grounds, we were greeted with bread and cheese in a cheery sun-room on the Vineyard.  We were able to sample a few of the wineries red wines - which were excellent.  It was fun to try a bunch of the different wines because I began to learn the difference between distinct red wine flavors and start to identify what I do and don't like.  After our stop at COS Winery, we continued onto Palermo where we took part in appertivo before we headed back to the apartment to regroup and snack on some of the aroncini and focaccia that we picked up earlier.

Caitlin and I are leaving at 4:00am Saturday  morning to begin our journey from Palermo to Rome and finally to Athens.  We will arrive in Greece late Saturday night when I'm sure we'll crash hard after dinner. 

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