Sunday, April 12, 2015

Arriving in Athens

Yesterday we arrived in Athens, and unfortunately had not planned on the fact that Easter was being celebrated nationally and practically everything was closed.  We decided to make the most of our day and walk around the parks and street of the city that were free and accessible to us tourists.  One highlight of the day was when we stopped to get drinks on the top of our hotel, that had a view of the Acropolis and the Temple of Apollo.  Today we had the luxury of sleeping in (traveling is exhasting!!) and spent the rest of the day continuing to tour the city by foot.  Even though the majority of Athens was still shut down, the Olympic Stadium was open and we were able to walk around and take some pictures.  We were able to sit outside in the sun and enjoy the gorgeous weather before making our way to the airport to catch our flight to Mykonos.  It should be a short flight - only 35 minutes!  Caitlin and I are both SO excited for Mykonos, and I can't wait to share more on the blog once we get there.

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