Monday, April 13, 2015

Oh my, Mykonos

Today was my definition of perfect.  We spent a relaxing day walking from beach to beach along the coast of the island, soaking up the sun and dipping our toes in the sand.  It was 70 and sunny and felt amazing to have great weather and a strong appearance from the sun.  (Don't worry Dad, I used plenty of sun screen!!)  Caitlin and I walked into town at night and made a trip to "Venice" and the Windmills before stopping at the New Port for dinner while watching the sunset.  Talk about a pinch me moment, this was a moment I will not soon forget!  We ended the night with gelato - noticing a theme here?! - before heading back to Mina's Apartments for a good night's rest.

A couple of views from the balconies at Mina's Apartments 

Walk to the first beach

Unreal view from the second beach - we had the place to ourselves!


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