Monday, March 16, 2015

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was spent doing a lot of work.  It seems very strange to me that with the exception of going to class, I spend more time doing school work on the weekends than during the week. However, without the interruption of class, I can get a lot of work done.

Yes, this weekend is only the second weekend in March and it seems crazy that I should be writing my final papers of junior year, but their deadline is coming up quickly!

I leave for my big trip in April to Italy and Greece on April 2, which marks the last day of school for me as a junior.  This is incredibly scary, but to calm me down I am going on vacation for three weeks so I think I'll be okay.

I have final papers in 5 of my classes, 3,000 words each, and one final exam.  That is a lot of work to get done in the next two weeks!

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