Thursday, March 19, 2015

St. Patrick's Day

Tuesday was St. Patrick's Day! It is one of my favorite days of the year because everyone is in a good mood, and since there are not that many expectations surrounding this holiday, it always turns out to be a lot of fun.

It was especially fun in Ireland this year for a couple of reasons.  The first was that because it is a national holiday over here there were no classes held! Secondly, the weather here was absolutely gorgeous, mid 50s, warm and very sunny.  It was enjoyable to be outside, walking around, and good weather always puts everyone in a good mood.  

The morning started with a festive brunch in my apartment.  My roommates and I organized a brunch to invite people over to enjoy green colored food, and begin the day together.  I made green pancakes, Suzanne worked on the bacon, Ines helped with the green eggs and Mara and Kate pitched in with the clean up and set up.  
Green egg and pancake mixtures

Finished Product: looks gross but was very fun and festive! 

Because it was such a nice day we left the windows in our common room open and people from our apartment complex would stop in and say hi and join us all morning.  

We then left around 12:30pm to go into the city for the parade.  There was a ton of activity, and I think it was the most crowded I have ever seen the city, even including Christmas time.  There were food vendors lined all throughout the sidewalks and a big parade happening in the street.

My outfit for the day: 
Irish sweater to keep me warm and green headband and feather boa to be festive

Complete with a "Kiss Me I'm Irish" Face tattoo 

Apartment 19 Crew 
Back: Mara, Kate, Ines
Front: Suzanne, Me 

Julia and Me: Julia made these fun straws that had paper cutouts of mustaches on them so it looked like you had a mustache when you were drinking - mine fell slightly for this photo but they were a lot of fun! 

Cork City Centre Parade - I was two people deep behind the gates so it was hard to get good photos but I could still see some and hear all the great music! 

Julia and Me at the parade

Chelsea and Me at the Parade 

Our normal group was split up because some of the girls chose to go to Dublin for their parade, like Caitlin and Nicole, but the group that was in Cork had a blast! We were playing music all day, enjoying the nice weather and celebrating the holiday.  I have loved getting to know my roommates this year, and I am definitely going to miss them when I leave. We are trying to do fun things like yesterday as often as possible before we all go home to different parts of the world. 

*note* found out from lots of Irish people that it is NOT St. Patty's like we like to say in America, but the proper terminology is St. Paddy's! 

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