Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cliffs of Moher: Trip #3

On Tuesday Matt Seton and I fought American time and woke up early to catch the 8:30am Paddywagon tour of the Cliffs of Moher.  We boarded the bus and were immediately hit with a chipper driver, and loud, festive Irish music.

The drive to the Cliffs from Cork is a long way so the tour makes a few stops on the way there.  We made a stop in the Burren Valley for lunch at a pub where we enjoyed the sandwiches we had packed for ourselves that morning.

Then finally, we arrived at the cliffs.

This is my third time at the Cliffs of Moher, and I am still in awe each time I go. We lucked out with sunny weather, which is all that matters because it allows you to see the enormity of the cliffs.  It was windy, and it had rained the day before so it was also very muddy, but we were having too much fun to care.

So sunny we could barely keep our eyes open! 

On point 

Matt and Seton taking in the view

Peering over the edge 
So many times as a kid I wish I could have pushed him off of a cliff...had to take this picture for Mom and Dad! 

As soon as we got back on the bus at 4pm that afternoon, the warmth and lull of the road put me out so fast! I later learned that it was good that I did fall asleep so fast because Matt had a trick up his sleeve.

I have been collecting prints from all the places that I have gone this year, so while I was in the bathroom Matt snuck off to the gift shop and bought me a beautiful painting of the Cliffs to thank me for this trip.  He hid it in his jacket and waited until I fell asleep to take it out and put it in his bag so that it could be a surprise. He hid it in my room and it wasn't until I Skype'd my family a week later that he told me to go find it.  Its absolutely beautiful and so thoughtful of him, definitely going to be one of my favorites from this year!

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