Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fighting the Jet Lag

Matt and I touched down in Dublin around 8:30am and met up with Seton who landed just after us. After getting our luggage we quickly moved through the airport to catch the bus to Cork.  The first bus was full so we had to wait another hour to catch the 10:30 bus, and then we were on our way.  I had tried to get as much sleep as possible on the plane but Matt was unable to fall asleep, so the jet lag was hitting him hard.  As soon as the bus started moving he was out cold. This was incredibly fun to watch.

We arrived in Cork close to 2pm, quickly grabbed a cab to haul all of our luggage and got to my apartment shortly after. At this point we were all dragging our feet a little bit but I did not allow anyone to lie down because they would not have gotten back up.  So we immediately left for the city center to get moving.

Our first stop...can you guess? O'Connails!

My first hot chocolate of semester 2, and a scone to accompany it

Seton and Me enjoying O'Connails

After a quick snack we realized how hungry we actually were, and walked across the street to one of my favorite restaurants, Coqbull.  I was really excited to bring both Matt and Seton there because they are two fellow burger enthusiasts.
Matt, Seton and Me at dinner

Matt, his meal, and the knife required to eat it

After dinner we walked to the Franciscan Well, a bar downtown, for an early drink.  This is one of my favorite pubs to go with friends because of the outdoor beer garden.  You can sit outside, enjoy the weather while still being warm, and just talk and relax.  This was perfect because it was where we met up with Caitlin, her two friends from Holy Cross, Allegra and Anne, and Nicole with her two sisters, Kathleen and Meghan, and best friend from Holy Cross who is studying abroad in Scotland, Betsy.

It was so fun to have so many visitors, both siblings and friends.  We had a great time but were getting tired so after one drink we headed back to call it a night and get ready for our long day tomorrow at the Cliffs of Moher.

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