Friday, January 23, 2015

Blarney Castle: Wintertime

On Tuesday night when we got back from the Cliffs of Moher trip we were exhausted, so we just grabbed a quick dinner at Jackie Lennox's, which is a fish and chips place that is a minute away from my apartment; quick, easy and delicious.  We were too tired to go out Caitlin and her two friends joined us for a night in where we discussed plans for the next day, and our trip to Barcelona.  We decided to go to the Blarney Castle the next day, however we also decided that before Matt and Seton left Cork for good we need to go to O'Connails one more time.

It was a very rainy day but our visitors got a real taste of Irish weather!

Matt and I decided to recreate a photo that Katie and I took two years ago! 
And because I was recreating photos, Caitlin and I thought it would be fun to have a summer and winter version of the same photo

Blarney Trip in September

Blarney Trip in January

We found four leaf clovers! 

Our group after all successfully kissing the Blarney Stone:
Betsy, Me, Allegra, Matt, Anne, Caitlin and Seton

Seton and Me at the top of the castle

After kissing the stone, our next stop was the Wishing Steps. There is a legend that if you think of your wish, and only your wish, all the while climbing up these stairs backwards that it will come true within the next year. 
 Matt and I in front of a waterfall

 Matt climbing the Wishing Steps

Seton climbing the Wishing Steps (and Caitlin behind her doing the same!)

We spent the entire morning at Blarney and came back to Cork to grab a quick lunch.  Matt, Seton, and I hurried back to the apartment and packed up all of our belongings because even though our flight to Barcelona was not until Thursday, we were leaving for Dublin that evening to stay over in a hotel.  Our flight on Thursday was at 6am so Mom generously got us a hotel room so that we could grab a couple hours of sleep before getting on the flight.  And, the hotel was nice enough to hold Matt and Seton's large suitcases so that they did not need to make another trip back to Cork after we got back from Barcelona.

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