Saturday, November 8, 2014

'Tis The Season To Start Celebrating Early

This is my first weekend in awhile that I have had absolutely nothing to do; and as much as I love traveling, it is so nice to overdose on sleep and television.  Since I have no classes on Friday, I took full advantage and did not leave the apartment all day. 

Today, I woke up in a good mood, and it was a beautiful day outside, so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to go into town.  I was on a mission for two things: an umbrella, and warm headgear. 

When I got to the city center, I was blown away with how much Christmas had sprung up in the shops so quickly, and so early. Every window display had a christmas tree in it and many shops had ivy and wreaths wrapped on the outside of the building. My theory is that because they do not have Thanksgiving over here, once Halloween is over the next holiday is Christmas, and that is why they start celebrating so early. 
Outside Bodega

Inside Brown Thomas

Item #1: The umbrella

I have had the same relatively inexpensive umbrella for so long, and it has served me well, but recently the fabric ripped.  I have been putting off getting a new one for awhile because it is one of those things that you don't think about until you need, and then it is too late. However, the forecast in Amsterdam this upcoming weekend looks like rain so I decided I could wait no longer.  I found this one at Penny's for 5 euro so I don't expect much, but hopefully it doesn't break right away. 

Item #2: Warm Headgear 

This one I have no excuse for.  I go to school in Worcester, M, which is possibly one of the windiest, and coldest places on Earth, yet I still do not have a hat/headband etc.  But I found a headband today at Debenhams, a department store here, that I really love, and I think will really help to keep me warm by covering my ears. 

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