Saturday, November 22, 2014

100 Days!

Today marks the 100th day that I have lived in Cork! There are many milestones that I have passed while being here but 100 days for some reason stuck out to me.

Here is a small summary of the past 100 days:
  • Countries that I visited:  4
  • Hours spent on a bus to/from Dublin: 32 
  • Trips to O'Connails: 9
  • Restaurants in Cork I have been to: 5 
  • Visitors: 3 
    • Emily
    • Marty
    • Nick
  • Assignments for school: 4
  • Letters I have gotten from home: 7
  • Pint glasses I have acquired: 8
  • Times my family has called me:
    • Mom - A lot
    • Dad - Often enough
    • Katie - The most
    • Matthew - 2
    • Bean - 0 
  • Books I have read: 3
    • The Zookeeper's Wife
    • The Fault in Our Stars
    • The White Tiger
  • Times I have been sick: 2
  • Pictures I have taken: 1,907
  • Posts I have written: 60 
A big thanks to all of you who read my blog! 

Writing The Cork Board has been a great way for me to chronicle my time abroad.  It forces me to truly take in what I am seeing when I am out, whether in Ireland or another country. I am actively looking for great photos which I am so grateful for because I love photographs and I know that I will be so glad that I have those forever.  Then, later when I am writing my posts, it is a great way for me to reflect on all that I have done and really take in and appreciate the incredible opportunity I have been fortunate enough to have. 

But, mostly this blog is fun because I feel as though I am still connected with all of you back home even when the time difference, or technology is getting in the way of us directly speaking to each other.  I love writing these posts as if I were telling the story in person and I hope that as you read it you can imagine me talking to you. 

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