Monday, November 24, 2014

Weekend Recap

Last night our advisor Shane, took me and some of the other HC girls out to dinner and a movie.  He heard of an Irish film in theatres called "Out of Here" that he thought we might enjoy, and to make a night out of it we went to dinner first.

Shane, Caitlin, Francie, Caitlin Powers and I went to dinner at a restaurant called SoHo and enjoyed a wonderful meal out.

Afterwards we headed to the Triskel Christchurch cinema for the screening of "Out of Here".  This movie theatre was very cool because it is a church that has been converted into a theatre.

The movie was an indie film about the process of Irish citizens re-integrating themselves back into society after having moved back from Australia.  It was a very popular trend for young, Irish men to move to Australia for a little while to find work because their economy was a lot stronger than Ireland's.  It was interesting, although hard to decipher some of the accents, and even though it was not a great movie, I enjoyed the experience.

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