Thursday, November 20, 2014

Amsterdam Day 4: Goodbye to the beautiful city

Sunday was our last day in the beautiful city. However, our flight was not until very late that night so we still had time to squeeze in a last few activities.

We checked out of the hostel, and because we had so much time to kill we wandered in and out of all the shops we had previously passed by. Our hostel was a great success; it was clean, located in a great spot, and felt very safe.

Right by the hostel was this breakfast place Bagels and Beans and I had to take a picture for Bean! I felt like this place knew how much Beanie loves bagels that they had to include her name! 

One of the shops we went in to just so happened to be a cheese shop. It was possibly the greatest place on earth because there were thousands of varieties, and with each new flavor came a sample, yum!
 Dutch Cheese Shop
Notice the plates of samples on top of all the cheese

The ceiling of a clog shop we saw

Afterwards the group split for a little. Caitlin and I went to the Rijksmueseum, which people describe as the equivalent to the MET in Europe. It was very cool. Absolutely the most massive and extensive museum I have ever been to.  We kept walking around seeing more and more and before we knew it two hours had passed. I was glad that we were able to see it because doing something different like an art museum contributed to making Amsterdam different than my other trips. 

My favorite was their photography exhibit. It included collections of pictures from all time periods, of people, places and things, and showed how photography really can be an art form. 

Horrible quality photo but this is the signature Dutch pattern  

Can't resist because of Montserrat, there was an entire section devoted to Early Chinese Dynasty's...Seton took these for you! 

Our flight was late that night and by the time we got to the airport we were all exhausted and ready to go home. However, it was so comforting to know that as soon as I landed I was only fifteen minutes away from home; I love Cork airport. Four full days is a very long time but if I had to do that in one city, this was the right one.  I loved Amsterdam and it was a perfect way to end my trips for this semester. Next time I board a flight it will be going to America! 

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