Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Welcome - Take 2

Friday, January 23rd was the second Welcome Pub Crawl in Cork.  The first one was at the beginning of last semester, and this one was to welcome all those who are studying abroad for the Spring Semester. However, it was such a fun experience the last time that my friends and I decided to go again.

Nicole, Julia and I were the three Holy Cross girls who were around that night. We were joined by my roommates Kate, Suzanne, Ines, and Ines' sister, who was visiting from France for the weekend.

It was a really fun time! We got to go back to some of our favorite pubs and then try a couple new ones, as well as meet some of the new Americans studying abroad in Cork.

Pub Lineup:

  • The Slate Bar
  • Holy Cow
  • The Bailey
  • Crane Lane 
While at one of the bars I turned around and saw Shannon Buckley.  This is a girl that I played soccer with in eighth grade, and because of the two high schools in town, have lost touch with ever since. She is studying abroad in Galway this semester and not only just happened to be in Cork that weekend, but also happened to go on the Pub Crawl; the world is so small sometimes. 

Shannon and Me at The Slate Bar

Julia and Me at Crane Lane 

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