Monday, February 2, 2015

Rapid Recap

My last post was about the last day the gang and I were in Barcelona.  It was such an incredible trip that I wanted to make sure I spent a long time describing it, however I returned home almost a month ago and there have been a lot of fun things happening in Ireland since then that I want to share as well!

I am going to do a very speedy round-up to try and get caught up to the present day.

Sunday January 11th:

  • Fly Back to Ireland
  • Check into a hotel in Dublin that the McFarland's were nice enough to get for us for the next few nights
  • Have Matt and Seton try Guinness's 
Monday January 12th:
  • Explore Dublin
  • Stop for tea and scones because when in Ireland....
  • Stop for lunch at....The Counter Burger!! This is a big deal because this is my family's favorite burger chain and the one in West Hartford closed down so we haven't been able to go for the past year.  Matt and my eyes lit up when we saw the Counter sign and we immediately walked inside very excited.  
  • Go to one last pub with great live music to enjoy the atmosphere and company for one last night before having to say goodbye to my two best friends 
Tuesday January 13th:
  • Send Seton off early in the morning for her 11am flight
  • Go to grab lunch with Matt before his 4pm flight
  • Find out Matt's flight is NOT at 4pm its actually at 2pm
  • PANIC 
(more on this ^ story later because it is so funny it needs its own post)
  • Get on the bus and head back to Cork 
Wednesday January 14th:
  • Test out a few classes
  • Sleep in my bed for the first time since returning to Ireland, and love it!! 
Thursday January 15th: 
  • Go to classes in the morning
  • Drop off computer to be repaired
  • Get on the train in the afternoon to go back to Dublin
    • *note* the train is an infinitely more enjoyable experience than the bus, so even though I was going right back to Dublin where I had just been for a few days the trip was a lot easier this time around 
  • Check into hostel with Caitlin, Anne, and Allegra for the next two nights
  • Meet up with the Holy Cross students who are studying abroad in Dublin for the Spring Semester
Friday January 16th:
  • Explore Dublin and do some shopping
  • Go out to a goodbye dinner with Caitlin for Anne and Allegra
Saturday January 17th:
  • Buy a juice smoothie at the train station because Katie has gotten me hooked
  • Take the train back to Cork
  • Go to bed VERY early and sleep for an eternity 
Monday January 18th-Thursday January 22nd:
  • Sarah, Caitlin's friend who studies abroad in Spain, came to visit cork from Sunday through Tuesday
    • The last time I had seen her was Oktoberfest, so it had been quite awhile and it was really great to see her
  • Monday night Caitlin, Sarah and I tried this hole in the wall Mexican place, Cafe Mexicana, for dinner and it was delicious
    • We then went to a pub called An Brog to watch the Patriots game and were joined by Nicole and Julia
  • Dinner with advisor Shane on Wednesday to welcome all of us back followed by a terrible play at the theatre 
  •  First full week of classes
    • That still means only Monday - Thursday
Matt and Seton trying Guiness

Our tea stop was at Bewley's, a famous tea brand that has a restaurant in Dublin

The Doors of Dublin
 They are brightly colored doors that are found on one street in Dublin where all of the doorways are the same and each door has its own color

Counter Burger Menu

Matt and Seton in front of The Temple Bar 

Inside of The Temple Bar 

Seton on the bus to go home

The Juice Bar in the train station

Football at An Brog

Me, back in Cork, enjoying Cork's stout, a Murphy's at one of my favorite bars, The Oliver Plunkett

My burrito at Cafe Mexicana 

Sorry for the really long post but I had to get it all out sometime! After all of these exciting visits and trips it was time for me to return to normal life and get back to things I had been putting off, like school, grocery shopping, and the gym! 

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