Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Day of Trdlniks

Saturday turned out to be the nicest day of the whole trip in terms of weather.  It was 60 degrees and sunny all day long; perfect for what we had planned. After a quick stop of coffee, and a delicious cinnamon bun we were on our way.
Breakfast at Rodust

Saturday's itinerary included the Petrin lookout tower. This is perched atop the tallest hill just across the river on the outskirts of the city. It strongly resembles the Eiffel Tower and is smaller in size, but higher in altitude.

I loved the tower because even though it is a tourist attraction, nothing about this experience is "touristy".  There are no long lines, gates, or construction crews impeding the view or making you feel as if what you are doing is unnatural to the city you are in.

Petrin Lookout Tower

Another cool feature of the Petrin Tower is the climb to get there. It has such great views of the city because it is so high up, but that means a climb to the top of the hill. However, it was a really pleasant walk because it is essentially a really large park.  The path runs through greens and on the nice day it was warm, enjoyable and quiet for the most part. 

Walk to the Tower

Once you get to the top of the hill, you now have the privilege to walk to the top of the tower. And about 300 stairs later, you get the prettiest view I have ever seen. It truly is the best view of the city, and Prague is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been to. 

Caitlin and I then climbed down the tower and at this point had worked up quite a sweat. We decided to stop in the park underneath the tower and just sit and enjoy the day for a bit. 

While the park was really enjoyable, after a little while our stomachs started growling and reminded us that it was time to eat.  As I mentioned before Prague has great street food, and the best thing they have to offer is their dessert…the Trdlnik.  It is dough that is rolled in sugar and then wrapped around a stick and heated over fire to make this delightful treat.  I ate two a day every day I was there. 


Trdlink making process

We found these delicious treats in stands that are all around Old Town Square, which is Prague's city center.  Prague is one of the largest cities that I have travelled to so far, with so much to offer, and it all comes together in this square.  In one direction is the most high end shopping district you could ever imagine (Gucci, Cartier, Rolex, Jimmy Choo, etc.) and the opposite direction is every stereotypical cheap tourist shop; but Prague has it all. 

Old Town Square from Charles Bridge

Because our hostel was so far from the city center Caitlin and I decided to stay in town and grab a drink before dinner.  We sat right in the middle of Old Town Square underneath heat lamps and enjoyed cocktails and then nice dinner. 

The Petrin Tower was my favorite part of the whole trip, a culmination of beautiful weather, and views in a city that I truly fell in love with. 

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