Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I had a wonderful time here in Cork on Thanksgiving yesterday.  Julia's parents took the other Holy Cross girls and I out to dinner at a restaurant called 14a.  It was a great meal, but I enjoyed the company even more.  It was so nice to be surrounded by friends, and adopted by someone else's family for the night.

However, my favorite part of the day was definitely right before I was about to go to bed. I got a quick FaceTime call from Katie asking if I wanted to say a Hello to Grandma and Grandpa before they left for the night.  It was nice to see both of them but even better when they told me what had happened earlier.  Apparently, as they were cleaning up from dinner this year they were wondering why there were more leftovers than usual, until someone else pointed out that the only thing different this year was that I was not there. I guess is was really apparent how much I eat when 3/4 of the pie is leftover and you are the only one missing....oops. Don't worry though I'll be back next year, and twice as hungry!

Even though it was not a traditional Thanksgiving I really enjoyed spending time with new friends in my city, and the arrival of Thanksgiving means it is almost time for me to come home!

Here are a few of the things that I am thankful for this year:

My family:

The Cork Group: Julia, Caitlin, Me, Chelsea and Nicole

 My HC Family: Me, Emily, Amelia, Seton, Meredith

My best friend: Caitlin
(and rainy days in our beautiful city!)

Lastly, I am especially thankful to have sisters that spoil me. Upon arriving in Cork I found a gift that was snuck in my bag before I left. Katie, with help from Beanie, made the best gift I have ever gotten. She converted Dr. Seuss's book "Oh the Places You'll Go" into a personalized story for me, filled with photos, quotes and words of wisdom for my journey abroad from each of my family members and best friends.

Everyone did an excellent job of choosing things that represent our relationship and I feel as though I can hear each person speaking to me as I read their notes. It was meant for the days when I felt homesick and needed a smile, and it really does exactly that.

Thanks again to Katie and Bean, and everyone who made a page for me! 

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