Sunday, October 19, 2014

Emily and Marty's Last Day

Saturday was Emily and Marty's last day with me.  It was very nice out, and you can begin to see some signs of fall. Its no New England but the colors have changed a little bit.

We left the day open so that they could make sure they got souvenirs for all their family members.  One of Marty's only requests for the whole week was to make sure that he got a real Irish breakfast, and since he had been so good all week shopping, and taking photos with us, we decided we had to get him this.  We went to Bodega where he got his breakfast and Emily and I got one last scone.

After breakfast was when we got down to business with all the presents that needed to be bought; and even though I was not shopping I definitely know how to help people spend money!

As we were perusing the streets we passed a protest going on just like the one we saw in Dublin last weekend against the new water charge. They were shouting "No way. We won't pay!" very loudly and were getting ready to do a march through the streets.

At around 2pm we were wiped so we stopped by Thomond, the sports bar, to catch the second half of Muenster's rugby match.  Muenster is the province that Cork is in, and this was a big match.  It ended up being a really exciting game and it was very fun to have Marty there to explain all the rules.
Me, Emily and Marty at Thomond

In the afternoon we went back to my apartment to drop all of our stuff off when Marty and Emily surprised me and told me that they were taking me out to dinner that night.  They had asked Caitlin earlier in the week to pick a restaurant that she thought I would like and the three of them together did really well! We went to Coqbull, a local restaurant known for their roast chicken and burgers. 
Emily and I outside the restaurant

I ended up going with the Bacon Bull and it was one of the best burgers I have had in my life. The beef over here is all local and grass fed and you can definitely taste the difference because it is so lean and delicious.
 My dinner

Had to get a photo of this giant knife to show off to Matt, knew he'd appreciate it! 

At the end of the night we went to the Old Oak so that Marty could have one last Guinness and we could all share a drink toasting to the great week we just had. 

It was overall a wonderful evening.  It meant so much to me that they put so much effort into thinking of a way to thank me that I would really appreciate. Additionally, I got to spend a great night out with two of my best friends.  I had the most wonderful week reuniting with them and it was so much fun to show them my city and home.  It was hard to say goodbye this morning but the first two months have gone by so quickly, I'm sure the remaining three until I go home in December will feel just as quick. 

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