Monday, February 23, 2015

RAG Week

Last week here at UCC was something called "RAG" Week.  It stands for "Raise and Give".  It is a week where all of the student organizations dedicate their time and efforts towards raising money for charity. It has become such a phenomenon that the local pubs have gotten involved as well and many of them have deals of their own to entice students to donate.

Campus is always buzzing because it is made up of 28,000 students but it was particularly alive last week.  There was some event going on at all times in the main quad, and screams and cheers could be heard from the participants of the activity, as well as the slew of on lookers.  For example, one day I walked by the quad to find about 20 kids standing in the center of it with their arms raised straight above their head.  It was a contest that required you to hold your hands above your head for as long as you could, and the last one standing was the winner.

This is just one of the many activities they held, ranging from silly to quite intense, which required a paid entry fee where all the proceeds go towards charity.  I really wanted to participate in the color run, but unfortunately it was held when I was in class.  Some other examples were the Onesie Run (students wore onesie pajamas and ran through campus), Talent Show, "Naked" Mile (it was more of a reduced clothing run), and various challenges such as the arm raise one.

However, it was also fun because at night everyone was going out.  There were events, performances, drink specials and so much more going on every night at so many of the pubs and bars in town.  To the Irish students, this is their equivalent of Spring Weekend, so they were all in great moods and enjoying it to the fullest.

It was fun to watch how even though it comes at a different time of the year, students celebrate their schools' events in very similar ways.  I'm sure if the weather was this nice back home we would enjoy Spring this much too.

Last year they raised over 18,000 euro, and I'm sure we will hear soon about how effective this year's RAG week was!

Apartment 19: Me, Mara, Kate and Suzanne, un-pictured: Ines (sick)

Caitlin's Irish Roommate Meadhbh (pronounced Maeve) and Me

Caitlin's other Irish Roommate Orna and Me

Rock Climbing Wall: each day something new would just pop up everywhere you went 

UCC Campus Buzzing: People are standing all around the circle watching some activity happen inside
*note this photo was not edited, it really was just that gorgeous outside*

It was an extremely fun week, but by the time Friday came around I was exhausted.  I have no classes on Friday so I took the time to go into the city, regroup, go grocery shopping and treat myself.  I was starting to feel run down so I wanted to do something healthy and you know the saying...O'Connails a day keeps the doctor away! 

Milk, White and Dark Chocolate favorite! 

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