Wednesday, January 14, 2015


The last time I posted I was wrapping up semester one, and now I am headed back to Ireland for semester two! My time flew by so quickly because I was having so much fun enjoying time with my friends and family, getting a badly needed haircut, and indulging in all things American that I had missed so much (especially Beanie's baking!)

First stop was a trip to Holy Cross to suprise my best friends for the night, they were suspicious but it ended up working out really well.
Seton, Me, Emily, Meredith 

Shortly after it was Christmas time and I couldn't believe how quickly it had snuck up on me! I had been waiting for it for so long and all of a sudden it was Christmas morning and I was giving everyone the presents that I had bought for them in various places around Europe and Ireland.

Dad and I taking a selfie with the Christmas tree in town 

My family all wearing the Christmas sweaters I bought for them at Penny's

Then before I knew it it was my last week home and I was starting to buy things to pack and bring back to Ireland. This consisted mostly of nice shampoo and food.

Mom helping me to pack all my favorite American treats

As hard as it was saying goodbye to my family again, knowing what it feels like to be away from them for four months, I was very glad that I had Matt to travel back with me so that it was not all over at once.  We will then be meeting up with my roommate from Holy Cross, Seton, in Dublin and while I am really excited for all that we are going to do travel wise, I am mostly just really excited be able to spend the next ten days with my best friend.

Matt and I leaving for our trip 

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