Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday Favorites

This past week was study week for me.  Classes ended last week and exams start next week so Irish students and I have this week to write our papers and study for our exams coming up. Here is a list of the things that have helped me get through this mountain of work.

1.  MORO Bars

For Grandpa, who is always wondering what I am eating, I have been indulging in a lot of chocolate bars, especially on Wednesday to celebrate Bean's birthday! This is one of the most delicious candy bars I have ever eaten.  Caitlin's roommate told me about this candy bar and while I am so glad I tried it, it is dangerously good.  It is a wafer covered in caramel covered in chocolate.

Also, sorry Katie, I checked and they are not gluten free. 

2. Skimm

Skimm is the name of a company that "skims" through all of the news, domestic and worldwide, and sends you an email each morning with a synopsis of all that is important.  I really love this because I was feeling very out of the loop with what was going on back home, and this informs me of big changes in the US, but I am also now a lot more informed on what is going on around the world.

3. Mail

I received two things by mail this week, both of which really brightened my day! The first was a package from my mom AND dad (giving you both credit even though we know who really sent the package) containing a very cute peanuts advent calendar.  And the second was a postcard from Peru from my best friend Amelia who is studying abroad there.  While I love modern technology and how easy it is to correspond with everyone, there is something still so fun about receiving old fashioned mail.

All of my packages/cards from my mom are beautifully decorated

My peanuts advent calendar

Postcard from Peru of Machu Picchu 

4. Christmas Season

More and more Christmas seems to appear everywhere I go and I love it.  I bought the Pentatonix Christmas album and have started listening to it while I study and I can't get

I have refrained from watching any christmas movies, but I am very excited to go home and follow tradition by watching Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation with my dad, and It's a Wonderful Life with the whole family.

Pentatonix is an a capella group and in this album they cover famous christmas songs, its excellent! 

The English Market all decorated

The Christmas Tree in Apt. 19! 

I have finally finished all of my papers so now the only thing standing between me and the end of the semester, which means home, is two exams! 

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