Friday, October 31, 2014

Travel Tips: How to Pack

So today I am in Prague, Czech Republic. As I was packing for this trip there were certain things that I made sure to remember. Each trip I take I learn a little more about packing from mistakes I made on the previous trip.  I will share with you some of the wisdom that I have learned.

In Belgium I forgot two majors items, but just as I learn to pack, I also am learning how to travel and go with the flow when things like this happen. 

Item 1: My belt. 

I packed a pair of jeans to wear on Saturday, and this particular pair of jeans is old and stretched out so I have to wear a belt.  When I got dressed Saturday morning I pulled out the pair of jeans and had a complete "uh oh" panic, immediately realizing that I never packed my belt.  However, this turned out not to be as much of a problem as I initially thought. 

Traveling is all about finding alternate ways to accomplish what you need to when your plans go awry, and so what do you do when your pants are too big that they fall down? Eat so much chocolate that you no longer need a belt because your stomach holds them up. 

Item 2: My phone charger. 

Upon arriving in Belgium I pulled out my phone to give my parents the obligatory "arrived safely in ____ (insert country)" text. As I did so I realized that my battery percentage was at 70% and I had forgotten to bring my phone charger.  I then decided that I was going to have to put my phone away for the remainder of the trip to ensure that I had enough battery on Sunday night to send the only other text that I needed to, which is the "arrived home safely". 

While at first I thought that not having a phone would be very hard, it was actually really nice being forced not to use it.  I was completely reliant upon maps, and live people to get to all the places I wanted to, and allowed me to really embrace the country that I was in, and take it all in, without worrying about what was going on back home for the time being. 

Hopefully I learned my lesson and remembered everything that I need for Prague, but you'll find out when I get back on Monday! 

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