Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Denmark Day 3

Sunday was a rainy day in Copenhagen.  We had lucked out with perfect weather on Saturday, when we needed it, so we could not complain about Sunday's weather.  It was a little dreary but it matched our moods because none of us were ready to go home!

We had to be back at the airport at 3pm so we still had a good chunk of the morning in the city.  We started by getting a pastry for breakfast because we had to have one last pastry.

Chocolate covered cinnamon bun

After breakfast we continued our walk around the city and Caitlin and I aggressively tried to find a shop that sold pictures of Copenhagen for our collections.  We have this fun tradition where we buy a print or picture of some sort in every city that we go to as our souvenir.  They are usually very easy to find between street vendors, tourist shops and local artists but for some reason Copenhagen did not have anything! Sadly, we had to give up the search and I came home empty handed from this trip, but I hope at some later point I might find one of Copenhagen, even though I did not buy it in the country, I'd still like to have a complete collection.

The theatre across from our hotel, so colorful! 

The rain made everything a little more dreary, but the buildings' colors help to counteract that 

Next we decided to head uptown and check out the famous glass markets we had heard so much about.  Upon arriving we discovered that they were not markets that sold glass, but rather glass buildings with the markets inside of them. This turned out to be better because they were filled with food, and that is right up my alley!
Produce stands outside of Tovehallerne, the glass markets 
There are two glass buildings, one on either side of this square

Torvehallerne, the name of the markets, is a better version of the English Market in Cork.  Inside, there were so many stands of pastries, beauty products, produce, and lots of fun cafes with counters for you to enjoy right inside the market.  We walked around for awhile and then stopped at a sandwich shop for lunch.

Soon after, it was time for us to walk back to the hotel, pack up and leave for the airport. This is one of the first trips where I was not ready to leave when it came time to get ready to go home.

Denmark is the "Happiest Nation on Earth" because it has the best statistics for their people's overall happiness.  You can definitely feel this as you walk around because everyone is smiling, friendly, and knows everyone else.  I also felt the safest of any European city that I have been to. It was a stark contrast to Barcelona, where I was worried the entire time about being pick pocketed.

Overall, it was one of my favorite trips.  Not only was the city one of my favorites but the combination of my excellent travel partners, our native tour guide, easy traveling, and luxury accommodations lead to a stress-free, extremely enjoyable trip!

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