Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ring of Kerry: Day 3

Even though Sunday was the day that we traveled home, we still had a day packed with activities. When we left after breakfast in the morning we had to be all packed to go home, but we wouldn't arrive back in Cork until 5pm.

Our first stop was along the coast. We started high up on the mountain and worked our way down throughout the day.

The second stop was to Daniel O'Connell's house.  He was an Irish political leader that is known for leading the campaign for Catholic emancipation.  The main street in Dublin is named after him.

The front of the house

The view from the back of the house

His house was right on the water so after taking a tour of the inside we got to spend some time on the beach.  This is one of my favorite spots in all of Ireland.  We lucked out with one of the sunniest days from my entire time abroad, which made for a warm and enjoyable experience.

Caitlin, Chelse and Me (hard to make us out it was so sunny!) 

The entire HC Crew: Nicole, Me, Caitlin, Chelsea, Francie, Caitlin and Julia

From there we got back on the bus and drove to Killarney national park.  We stopped at a flat opening and sat outside and had a picnic lunch.

 View from our lunch spot

After lunch we drove a little farther and stopped along a path we got to see the famous Torc waterfall.

Chelsea, Caitlin, Julia and Me in Killarney National Park

From there we walked across the street and saw the estate of the owners of the property before it was turned into a national park.  This is when Queen Elizabeth stayed when she came to visit, that is how incredible this spot is.
The House

View from the house

View of the house from the water

Me standing on a rock overlooking the mountains

Overall, I had an excellent weekend at the Ring of Kerry.  I had not done a lot of traveling around Ireland since the first few months that I got here and it reminded me how beautiful the country that I am living in is.  While the rest of Europe is also great, I don't think anything compares to Ireland.

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